Обрамление из майолики ручной работы с боковыми профилями и рамкой из нержавеющей стали. На фото представлена модель в цвете Orange с газовой топкой IG 90B.
Облицовка из полированного камня Quartz серого цвета, нижняя и фронтальная часть из шлифованного камня Quartz. На фото представлена модель с газовой топкой IG 50B.
Обрамление из майолики ручной работы с легким рельефным рисунком, с эмалированным профилем черного или серого цвета. На фото представлена облицовка в цвете Rosso Lava с дровяной топкой ME 90/44B.
Just want to give some feedback. I have purchased many themes from here with different levels of support but have come across none whose responses are as fast (even on weekends), informative and always pleasant as the dev team here inc Sara and Nicola. Even with stupid questions like some of mine. I would give […]
I must to say that I am very impressed by your forum and support. Your ecommerce theme has just came out of market. In time, I think you will be doing very well. I decided on your theme because I checked the support first. I thought, you respond to everyone’s emails and questions. I was […]
Just want to give some feedback. I have purchased many themes from here with different levels of support but have come across none whose responses are as fast (even on weekends), informative and always pleasant as the dev team here inc Sara and Nicola. Even with stupid questions like some of mine. I would give […]
I must to say that I am very impressed by your forum and support. Your ecommerce theme has just came out of market. In time, I think you will be doing very well. I decided on your theme because I checked the support first. I thought, you respond to everyone’s emails and questions. I was […]